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October 2016 Archives

Common medical errors lead to deaths, injuries of Californians

Medical treatment undoubtedly saves patients' lives. Unfortunately, the inverse is also true, as medical care by negligent healthcare providers also kills many Californians every year. Frighteningly, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death nationwide. There are many ways that medical errors can be prevented, that may ultimately reduce the number of individuals who suffer from worsened conditions and other long-term impacts following medical care.

Nurses must follow "five rights" to prevent serious injury

Medication errors are a serious problem, both in California and nationwide. Patients may think that medication errors happen mainly due to a physician's error, but, in fact, many medication errors are due to the actions of a negligent nurse. Specifically, nurses who fail to follow what are known as the "five rights" of drug administration may contribute to serious, and even fatal, medication errors.

Patient files lawsuit after discovering probe left inside body

Surgical procedures are supposed to rectify what ails patients, not cause additional problems. Unfortunately for one California woman, however, the gynecological surgery she obtained at a California surgery center left her with pain, bleeding and the frightening discovery that surgeons left surgical equipment inside her body following the procedure.

California attorney counsels clients following birth injuries

Following a birth injury, it can be difficult for a California family to know exactly how to proceed. Of course, they will need to obtain medical care for an injured infant or mother. Family members may need to seek counseling to deal with the emotional trauma of a difficult delivery process. Physical and emotional injuries may heal slowly, but, unfortunately, California families do not have unfettered access to time when it comes to filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in connection with a birth injury, as this blog reported in a previous post.